Category: Kitchen Design Minnesota
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Bliss Cabinets
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The RTA Store
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612 Design
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Avex Kitchen Design
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Christine Nelson Design
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Crystal Kitchen + Bath
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Designs by Stacy
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Inspiration Design Center
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New Spaces
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North Star Kitchens
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Novare Renovation & Design
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Portfolio Kitchen & Home
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Preferred Kitchens
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Sawhill Kitchens
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Pick Kitchen Designers in Minnesota
Working with a Minnesota kitchen designer can bring more value to your kitchen kitchen project than the dollar cost of design fees.
A professional kitchen designer should be fully-trained and skilled in getting the best from your kitchen space, getting the best bang for your buck and designing a kitchen perfectly tailored to your needs.

The designer could carry out as little or as much as you wish, but an excellent kitchen designer will not only provide inspired kitchen layouts, but will specify everything from the countertops and cabinets to the facuets and appliances. Kitchen professionals can easily manage the entire kitchen remodeling project from start to finish, removing all headaches from every project stage and guiding you to a best possible kitchen.
It’s because the leading kitchen designers in Minnesota are involved in so many remodeling projects, it’s guaranteed they know and work with the top Minnesota kitchen installation pros and have access to the best kitchen specialists, custom joiners, decorative painters, metalworkers and stonemasons – professionals who’s expert help will lift any kitchen project up to the highest level.
Local kitchen design experts will be experts in the details of kitchen building code in Minnesota – so choosing the correct kitchen pro for your project will not only end with a beautifully designed kitchen, but mitigate concerns or headaches whenever issues always seem to hit a project – keeping your perfect kitchen a dream instead of a nightmare.
Selecting Minnesota Kitchen Designers
Before starting any selection process you need to have an overall goal or set of goal. Just “Hoping something good works out” isn’t going to be enough and you’ll only end up wasting time in the selection process. You’d only be thought to be to be unsuitable design client (the most in demand Minnesota kitchen designers are usually very busy, with months-long waiting lists).
It might be you need to have much more counter space for a hobby or catering business, you might wish to make the most of spectacular views, allow more light into the kitchen, create an eating area – or any other number of wants and wishes. How do you eat in your kitchen? Are you a expert chef or do you simply warm pre-prepared food? Do you do a lot of entertaining? Do you make preserves and pickles?
Preparing a list of these requirements and taking notes as to how your family use your kitchen – together with an idea of the materials and colors you’d like in your kitchen project – will absolutely help in that first consult with your kitchen designer, helping the designer to know you as a new client and saving everyone’s time in any early-stage no-fee design consultations.
Equipped with the general concepts of your needs and requirements – it’s time to check out the designers themselves.
Your Search Starts Online
The net has made finding and selecting kitchen designers in Minnesota much easier.
Now you can search specialist kitchen directory and cabinet review sites like KitchensRated, search trade associations such as the National Kitchen and Bath Association’s Minnesota local chapter, or search the Minnesota section of the BBB
Many pro kitchen designers will be certified members of trade associations like the NKBA, or have obtained certification from specialist groups like the National Council for Interior Design Qualifications (NCIDQ).
Equipped with your selected group of kitchen pros, it’s now time to visit their websites. In the digital era, all pro kitchen designers should have websites – to showcase designs and past projects to potential clients within Minnesota.
After browsing their website, how do the designers seem to you? Do they show examples of past kitchen projects? Do they show recent client testimonials? Is all contact information visible? Does the website function?
Meet Your Shortlist
Find some time to visit the kitchen pros on your list. Certainly it’s simple to have them come to your home – but first go see their office, design studio or kitchen showroom for a show of their professionalism.
What do you feel? Do you get on well with them? Does their office appear well run? Is it busy? Take a look at photos of any recent kitchens – all kitchen designers tend to carry books packed with before and after photographs from previous design jobs. Could they apply to you?
Do they have showroom layouts set up? If so are these well built and well cared for? Do they only work with particular kitchen cabinetry manufacturers? If so, read their reviews too!
Should you like what you see and after your initial chats it seems like they have some great proposals for your kitchen project, now’s the time to have them come survey your home.
Try to have 3 Minnesota kitchen designers survey your home – you’ll receive three quite different floor plans and by having them in your domain, discussing your project you’ll be able to get a really good impression of what they would be like to work with.
From these three kitchen designers there will be one who provides the best fit. Next it’s time to…
Look at Past Kitchen Projects
Any chosen kitchen designer should have a long list of clients from recent projects who will be more than happy to talk with you. By talking with a couple of recent clients you’ll get a far clearer idea of what your chosen designer is like on a project.
If it’s possible to arrange to view at least one of these kitchens, that should be a valuable indicator – enquire as to what they love about their new kitchen, how the positioning is to live with and how well they worked with the KD.
Did anything go wrong? If the case, how well was the issue resolved?
By following the steps above, you should be able to find the perfect Minnesota kitchen designer for your needs – and end up with a kitchen to be proud of!
And please don’t forget to come back to KitchensRated and rate/review your chosen kitchen designer.
It’s consumer reviews like yours that make KitchensRated the resource it is. By giving your designer an honest review you’ll be helping them get new clients (or helping them improve) – and make the task of selecting Minnesota kitchen professionals so much easier for other homeowners.