Haas Cabinet Reviews – Round Up:
Haas Cabinet Company Information:
Kitchen Unit Quality: Very Good – Excellent
Price Fitted: Varies with dealer
Supply Only: Varies with dealer
Warranty: Lifetime Limited Warranty
Designer Qualifications: Varies with dealer
Designer Status: Varies with dealer
Commission rate: N/A
From the Haas Cabinet website:
Haas Cabinet is a third-generation, family-owned company. Our reputation is on the line with all of our products. We are the only shareholders; we are not a large public corporation interested only in today. We want to pass the company on to fourth and fifth generations.
The standard product offering features solid, well-constructed features (like dovetailed drawers) at a basic price.
We make our own parts. In order to maintain quality and offer a large variety of products at the best possible price, we manufacture our own cabinet components. We make the doors, drawer fronts, face frames, end panels, drawer boxes, etc.
Because we make our own parts, we can offer a large variety of product- all in a very short lead time. All cabinets and parts are made-to-order on a daily basis; product is not queued to wait until we are ready to make it. All cabinets are completed and ready to deliver in a couple of weeks.
Who Are Haas Cabinet?
Haas Cabinet are a long-established American-made cabinet maker based out of Sellersburg, Indiana.
With a wide range of cabinet and door styles across two collections and price groups, Haas are able to produce beautiful semi-custom cabinets to suit all budgets. Early adopters of sustainable construction, Haas use low-impact low-VOC construction methods with high recycling levels and 90% local sourcing for hardwoods.
Brenda –
Had terrible experience with Haas cabinets. I had problems with wood shrinking in winter months and expanding in the summer months. Haas reps cam out and gave me a bunch of bull saying we need our air conditioning on at all times.
Christina –
I have received horrible customer service from Haas, the Haas distributor and the local Haas sales rep. We spent $20,000 on Haas cabinets because we thought they were good quality cabinets. Our cabinets came in missing all sorts of pieces when they arrived at 6 weeks instead of 4 weeks. We had to reorder all the shelves and all the expensive pantry pullouts since none of them came with the cabinets. (We had to wait an additional 6 weeks). Since most of our missing parts were shelves and drawers we couldn’t even use the cabinets. Then our dealers installer measured our cabinets wrong actually had to have the granite relaxed because the cabinets and sink didn’t line up with the window and hung all the handles crooked (obviously not Haas’s fault) but we decided to go our separate ways with all the issues we were having.
Next issues with Haas: I had my first call with Haas the first week in June. They referred me to their outside sales rep. It took almost 3 weeks to get a hold of him. He would not return my phone calls. I called Haas 3 different times to get help in the matter and they said they were calling him… 3 weeks? I paid 20k for cabinets.. So the rep tells me on the phone to send him a list of items I need help with and to send it to him directly, he will see what he can.
I follow up a few weeks later with no response. Another week goes by and I receive a package of a couple markers and some of the wrong drawer pieces. So I send a message thanking him for sending the items. I let home know I need more than one touch up marker because I paid for 5 and asked about the larger issues (below). No response. More weeks go by. I send two emails in one week, it’s now almost the end of August. I get a rather rude email from the rep telling me I have to go to the person that sold the product to me. (After waiting almost 3 months). He hasn’t read my emails because doesn’t even know he sent me items the wrong items and I had a couple installation questions, so either he didn’t read any of my emails or he just doesn’t care. So here are the cabinet issues:
1. All the white cabinets finish is looks horrible. You can see brown wood all over the white cabinet finish. I have spent hours with the markers and crayons touching up brand new cabinets. I don’t feel like I should have to do this. I have one cabinet door that actually has a dent in it then was painted over. Our valance that apparently costs about $300 has black spots all over it. We had it removed because it looked horrible. I already have plans in a few years to have these glazed or something because the paint finish is so awful. Just as an fyi we did our island in a stained barnwood finish and it those cabinets look beautiful (besides the large crack in one…)
2. I have a large crack in one of my base cabinets, approximately 4-5 inches long. This happened during manufacturing since the crack originated from the doors being installed and they arrived at my house with the doors on. I have asked what needs to be done? Is there something they recommend I do? Will glue address the issue or do I really need a new cabinet..I am not real wild about flying my cabinet, but the thought of now wrapping up the granite because no one mentioned the crack prior to installation is just unbearable.. No response on how to proceed.
3. I have expensive pullout drawers in my garage sitting on the floor as I don’t have the correct hardware to install them.
4. The detail around the molding on the floor. For some reason I have exposed wood under the cabinets on the floor, so there are edges showing that don’t have any paint on them. I have been waiting this whole 3 month period for a response on what this detail is supposed to look like. No one will tell me. I am not sure I’d I am just supposed to touch this up With a marker? That seems rather cheap to me.
5. The markers for the barnwood don’t match the finish, so I also had some small areas that had exposed wood on the barnwood cabinets even though these look much better than the white. I guess the stain is rubbed off the corners of the cabinets when they ship? You’d think they would package better.. I got one new marker front the rep in a caraway color but I bought 5.. I just asked he replace the 5 and told him I was happy to send the markers back that didn’t match so he can repurpose… Again no response.
So all in all after 3 months of communicating with the Haas directly and their sales rep I am now being told to start over and go back to the dealer that sold me the cabinets. I explained to them the issues we had with the dealer and how we agreed to end our relationship after he fired his bad installers, in the beginning and was told I would be helped by Haas directly.
So back to square one, I am not getting the impression anyone wants to help me at this point. I have called their office now 7-8 times and have asked for a manager or someone that can help. You can’t get through to anyone. Their line just puts you to their inside sales reps who just keep pushing me to the outside sales rep.
I work in product manufacturing and we have an amazing customer service team and we would never treat any of our customers this way. I am appalled at the service and the quality of these cabinets. I think for paying $20,000 just on cabinets I at least deserve a response from Haas on my questions.
I am now trying to find their CEO online to see if I can let him know of his service issue. I am also going back to the dealer to see what he will do..
Jennifer –
Terrible, terrible product and even worse customer service. Product was delivered 3 months behind schedule and in terrible condition. We spent $20k on cabinetry for TV room and dining room. Huge beads of glue on EVERY joint – these are all visible joints, nails coming through cabinets, uneven surface finishes, uneven paint with some places unpainted, internal product “tattoos” were placed on visible outside surfaces and cabinets were not cut to specification, so adjustable shelving could not be made to fit. Cabinets were begrudgingly remade by the company – after much negotiation with sales reps and then delivered (after another substantial wait time) with worse issues than the first time – cracked surfaces, cabinet backing not fully attached to cabinets, etc. Company WILL NOT honor their quality guaranty, and WILL NOT return our money and we have no cabinets to show for it. DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRUMSTANCE MAKE A CUSTOMER ORDER WITH HAAS.
Gail –
Awful,Awful,do your homework before you buy!! we have had our new kitchen for 4 months. No pets, no kids just my husband and myself. They already replaced the door fronts, due to sawdust in the finish and poor stain. Now they are peeling. Yes peeling ! I feel like crying. I am gona see a lawyer about a refund of my full purchase price. I hate these cabinets. paper lined,particle board boxes. NOT THE Quality we were shown in the showroom at all.